Rotary Club of Rewari Main

RI Dist. 3011, Club#30759

In 1976, District Governor Rtn. Brijmohan Lal Munjal, Chairman and MD of Hero Honda appointed a Representative Rtn. PP Nand Lal Ganeriwala in order to form a new club in the community. They wanted to expand the essence of Rotary primarily in Haryana District. At that time, Rewari was a tehsil under Mahendragarh District. Know More...

slider3 Rtn. Jyoti Adlakha

Hony. Secretary

slider1 Rtn. Shekhar Mehta

RI President

slider2 Rtn. Anup Mittal

District Governor

slider2 Rtn. Raj Kumar Yadav

Assistant Governor (Zone-27)

slider3 Rtn. J P Chauhan


slider3 Rtn. Jyoti Adlakha

Hony. Secretary

slider1 Rtn. Shekhar Mehta

RI President

Our 8 Prime Areas Of Focus

Peace and conflict prevention/resolution.
  • Offer support to marginalized groups help children.
  • Recurit candidates for a rotary peace fellowship.
  • Address the underlying structural causes of conflict.
  • Participate in fellowship.
Disease prevention and treatment
  • Support Health Education Programs.
  • Help immunize people.
  • Sponsor continuing education & training.
Water and sanitation
  • Improve sanitation facilities.
  • promote good hygiene habits.
  • Implement rainwater harvesting.
  • Build Wells.
  • Provide home water treatment capability.
  • Promote low cost solutions.
  • Construct Drinking water huts.
  • Provide hand wash stations to schools.
Maternal and child health
  • Provide immunizations & antibiotics.
  • Promote good nutrition.
  • Providing birthing kits
  • Support accredited training programs
  • Organize Pulse Polio awareness programs.
Basic education and literacy
  • Provide teacher training.
  • Send a vocational training team.
  • Volunteer in a class room or after-school program.
  • Promote student enrollment
  • Adult literacy program
  • Adopt poor kids and provide them education facilities.
  • Donate Cloths and Stationary to poor students.
  • Education to specially challenged children.
Economic and community development.
  • Provide equipment or supplies
  • Expand Vocational training
  • Donate wheel chairs to the needy people.
  • Organize vocational training classes.
Environment Conservation.
  • Organize Tree plantation events.
  • Pollution prevention awareness programs.
  • Clean Rewari – Green Rewari initiatives.
Blood Donation
  • Organizing blood donation camps.
  • Blood donation awareness programs.
  • Blood Helpline

Rotary Club of Rewari Main believes in implementing sustainable service projects for providing prolonged benefits to society.


Matritv Kaksh

Other Activities, Rotary Club Rewari

"Matritv Kaksh" A safe, hygienic and beautiful cabin (near OPD area at Civil Hospital, Rewari) for ladies to feed their infants during OPD waiting hrs.

Rotary Water Cooler

Other Activities, Rotary Club Rewari

Water Filteration & Cooling Unit (80ltr. Storage & Cooling Capacity) Installed at UPHC, Rajiv Nagar, Rewari

Pulse Polio Vaccination

Other Activities, Rotary Club Rewari

Regular programs to promote pulse polio vaccination

Rotary Water Hut

Other Activities, Rotary Club Rewari

Constructed in 2014 near Shiv Chowk, Rewari. Water hut is equipped with RO & 2 ton chiller plant having chilling capacity of 1000 ltr. Water per hr.

UPHC Rajiv Nagar Renovation

Other Activities, Rotary Club Rewari

Mega Project of 2021 - Renovation of Urban Primary Health Centre Rajiv Nagar Rewari

Rotary Mortuary Van

Other Activities, Rotary Club Rewari

Donated to Sward Ashram, Rewari in 2016. Only such van in district which is providing subsidized services to needy families.

Rotary Library

Other Activities, Rotary Club Rewari

Donated to Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Kund in 2015. Having books and furniture worth 2lac given by our club to promote education.

Hand Washing Stations

Other Activities, Rotary Club Rewari

Joint project in 2017 with Rotary club of Delhi South East. Donated to 8 Govt. schools of Rewari to promote hand wash habits among their students.

Wheel Chair on Demand

Other Activities, Rotary Club Rewari

Club provides wheel-chairs to needy patients on regular basis as on demand basis.

Rotary Blood Service

Other Activities, Rotary Club Rewari

Our club is providing 24/7 blood services to the people of Rewari. We are also engaged in organizing various blood donation camps every year with a target to achieve at least 1500 units per year for the different Blood Banks run either by Rotary or Government.


Other Activities, Rotary Club Rewari

Rotary Navprerna Vocational Centre for specially abled kids at Bhakti Nagar Rewari

Rotary Water Cooler

Other Activities, Rotary Club Rewari

Donated to Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Kund, Govt. Sr. Sec. School,CHC Dharuhera in 2014.

The Rotary Foundation

Working With Rotary Club Rewari Main

Rotary clubs and districts around the world benefit from working with other organizations to carry out service projects. Rotary Club Rewari Main has been actively involved in several projects and has completed several projects of great local, regional and national impact.
